Sunday, July 30, 2006

No more holidays - Lomat lopussa

B&R_at_helsinki-46, originally uploaded by shuopio.

Holidays are now totally used for this summer. Of course Piritta has still some left, depending how much temp work she gets before the maternity leave.

Finnish summer has been very hot and nice this time, so back-to-work is not that depressing as
it could be.. ;)

(Testing a larger photo post size from flickr.. is this too big?)


Lomat ovat ohi tältä kesältä. Piritalla on toki vielä hieman vapaata jälkellä, riippuen siitä miten paljon sijaisuuksia hän saa/ottaa ennen äitiysloman alkua.

Suomen kesä on ollut kuuma mutta miellyttävä. Siksipä töihinpaluu ei ahdista niin paljoa kuin se voisi.. ;)

(Testaan samalla suurempaa kuvankokoa flickr-palvelusta postattaessa, onkohan tämä jo liian iso?)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mat wash part two - matonpesupaikka II

Originally uploaded by shuopio.

Here are the actual mat washing pontoons mentioned on previous posting.

Tässä kuva varsinaisesta matonpesupaikasta.

Mat washing site - Mattopesupaikka

Originally uploaded by shuopio.

Pic from a public mat-washing -site at Helsinki. One way to spend sunny Sunday afternoon.

Kuva matonpesupaikalta helsingistä. Yksi tapa viettää aurinkoista sunnuntai-iltapäivää.

Sunday, July 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by shuopio.

su 16.07.2006 16:41 Impressive view from Koli, near Simo's birthplace.

Mahtava näkymä Kolin huipulta.

Sunday, July 09, 2006


Originally uploaded by shuopio.

su 09.07.2006 16:10 09072006437

Friday, July 07, 2006

Stuart and Tapio

Stuart and Tapio
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

Simo: I was lucky to catch Stuart on his busy week for a beer. He's getting married this Saturday here at Helsinki - therefore the preceding week is veeeryy busy. Stuarts old friend Tapio Selby joined for pre-marriage drink. ;-)

Doorway silhuette

Doorway silhuette
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

On a sunny day my camera fills easily with doorway/window silhouette pics. Here's one example from Turku castle.

Yyteri Beach

Yyteri Beach
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

On our way back to Helsinki, we visited places on the west coast where we haven't been before. One of them was Yyteri beach near Pori.

Simo visiting Simo

Simo visiting Simo
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

(Simo is really also a town in Finland)

Midsummer sun

Midsummer sun
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

Taken near midnight at Pirittas parents summer cottage near Raahe. Very still, very beautiful..