Sunday, October 30, 2005

Night at Leppävaara - Yö Leppävaarassa

Night at Leppävaara II - Yö Leppävaarassa II
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

A photo taken near our home during a late walk with my brother Kauto (in picture).

Öinen kuva kotimme läheltä Leppävaarasta kävelyltä Kauto-Veljen kanssa.

Grandpas special clock - Papan pahkakello

Grandpas special clock - Papan pahkakello
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

We got this very special clock from Pirittas grandpa as a wedding present last year. Finally we succeeded to carry it to our home.

Saimme tämän erikoisen hienon pahkakellon häälahjaksi Pirittan Papalta viime vuonna. Viimeinkin saimme kuljetettua sen omaan kotiimme.

Laughing haircut - Naurava hiustenleikkuu

Laughing haircut - Naurava hiustenleikkuu
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

We decided to cut at least my (Simo) hair once in a while ourselves. As you can see from the picture the process is fun. ;)

Päätimme leikata miun (Simo) hiukset itse ainakin silloin tällöin. Kuten kuvasta näkyy hauskaa on. ;)

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Sports day at school

Sports day at school
Originally uploaded by shuopio.

Tug of war was one of the activities at sports day at Pirittas school. Before that there was a track and field competition. The whole school had a lovely day.

Köydenveto oli yksi liikuntapäivän ohjelmanumeroista Piritan koulussa. Sitä edelsi perinteisemmät yleisurheilukisat.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Originally uploaded by shuopio.

We have enjoyed this a LOT: our tiny little built-in sauna of our new flat.

Tästä olemme nauttineet kyllä paljon: Kerrostalokämppäämme rakennettu pikkusauna.