Friday, February 23, 2007

holding the bird - hyvä ote linnusta

holding the bird, originally uploaded by shuopio.

The bird mobile on is within reach and very well suited for grabbing excercises. ;) Kerttu likes to grab everything nowadays: curtais, sleeves, hair and toys.
Roikkuvat linnut ovat mainioita tarttumisharjoitteluun. Nyt tartutaan jokaiseen juttuun joka on käden ulottuvilla: Verhoihin, hihoihin, hiuksiin ja leluihin.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

pää pystyssä!

pää pystyssä!, originally uploaded by shuopio.

Being on your stomach can be sometimes so much fun!
Mahallaan olo on hauskaa!

Monday, February 12, 2007

My first book - Ensimäinen kirjani

reading.., originally uploaded by shuopio.

My first book, and its in english! The stroryline is still a bit vague to me but I am following intensively..
Ensimäinen kirjani, ja vieläpä englanniksi! Juoni on vielä hieman hämärän peitossa mutta seuraan silmä kovana..

blue belt in taido - wohoo... ;-)

blue belt in taido - woo ;), originally uploaded by shuopio.