Friday, July 22, 2005

Get-together at Saturday 20.08.2005 - Cancelled! 8-/

EDIT 11.08.2005/Simo:
I am sorry about the late notice. We had to cancel the get-together at Saturday 20th. The reason is twofold: Piritta had to leave for Finland already and she would not been able to be there. Secondly I will most probably have to spend most of the Saturday afternoon looking after what the moving company is doing.

In any case, thanks for all the emails you have sent! Hopefully I can arrange things so I can see you all in some circumstances! Those working at Nokia Southwood I will soon send more information about the daytime leaving do.

Old text of this posting:

Just a week before we are actually leaving the country we have planned to have a get-together where you all are welcome. As our flat will be a Big Mess at that time we decided we will go for some restaurant at London and book a table or a room. The time we have to planned to start the early dinner is around 6-7 pm.

So, please let us know if you are interested so we can book the table. Please click here for the contact information.

Should the weather be good, we could gather together a bit earlier in a park or a pub with a beer garden earlier that day. This will be clarified naturally only just couple days before. Watch this space, I will edit this as we have more information!
Contact information

This posting will hold our contact details. I will put a permanent link to this information so you can reach this and check the latest updates.

Address in Finland: Hansakallionkuja 12 A 6, FIN-02780 Espoo, FINLAND

Phone numbers in Finland: +358407366793 (Piritta) and +358405847470 (Simo).

Old phone numbers in the UK are not valid anymore.

E-Mail: Piritta.Huopio(at), and Simo.Huopio(at) (please replace (at) with the @-character).

UPDATE (05.11.2006): Oops, I have left the old contact information here.. Now it should be correct!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Yes, we are moving to Finland! After a bit over two years of life in the UK we decided it was time to head North. The actual relocation process is just starting, so the feeling is a bit like on the signposts we found above - headless chickens?

This blog is ment primarily for our friends everywhere who want a glimpse of our life "up north". We will also reflect here the feelings Finland and the changes in life will bring.

Please do feel free to comment. At first we keep the commenting open without registration.

Some links:
Basic information of Finland