Friday, June 23, 2006
Juhannus - Midsummer
There is more or less three full weeks of holiday ahead, and there might be less updates on the blog. (apart from occasional mobile picture uploads..)
Have a nice midsummer!
Och samma på finska: Lomille lomps! ;)
Monday, June 19, 2006
Line to the ferry
Line to the ferry
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
la 17.06.2006 20:24 Too many people, too few ferry connection, too badly organized
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Friday, June 16, 2006
Moving in August - Muutto edessä elokuussa
Moving in August - Muutto edessä elokuussa
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
We're moving to our own house at August! Just signed the papers this Thursday. The new location will still be within Espoo, just a bit further away.
Elokuussa on edessä muutto! Pistimme juuri asuntokauppapapereihin nimet alle. Uusi paikka on Kauklahdessa, Espoossa, lähellä Kirkkonummen rajaa.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Chrome in the sun - Kromin kiiltoa
Chrome in the sun
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
On the airport parking lot there was other kinds of shiny machines. The occasion was a small display of well tuned-up old american cars.
Lentokentän parkkipaikalla oli toisellaisia hienoja koneita näytillä: Kyseessä oli jonkinlainen jenkkiautojen näyttely.
Red Bull racing planes on Helsinki-Malmi airport
Red Bull racing planes on Helsinki-Malmi airport
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
On last Saturday there was some nice looking airplanes on display on Helsinki-Malmi airport. The planes were taking part to the Red Bull racing race on Tallin in upcoming weekend.
Viime lauantaina oli Helsinki-Malmin lentoasemalla hienoja lentokoneita näytillä. Nämä upeasti maalatut koneet osallistuvat tulevana viikonloppuna Tallinnassa Red Bull race -ilmailukisaan.
Audiobook galore - Äänikirjojen paljous
Audiobook shelf
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
When you go in a book shop I have noticed that the selection of audiobooks has grown dramatically during the last year. They are rather expensive but still more and more popular. What I have tried and heard, they are quite nice change when you are driving or travelling otherwise long distances.
Nykyaikana kirjakaupoissa on tarjolla yhä enemmän ja enemmän äänikirjoja. Ne ovat vielä aika kalliit mutta silti yhä suositumpia. Erityisesti pitkää matkaa ajaville tai muuten matkustaville ne tuovat mukavaa vaihtelua.