Friday, March 31, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
More pics from US
More pics from US
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
GDC'06 was the reason to be around at bay area.
GDC'06 oli tämänkertainen syy vierailla piilaakson alueella.
More pictures from US
More pictures from US
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
After couple of chilly windy days the sun came around.. It was California after all!
Muutaman viileän tuulisen päivän jälkeen aurinko tuli lämmittämään. Olihan paikka sentään Kaliforniassa!
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Fry's Electronics the place to be for a nerd - oikea nörttikauppa
Fry's Electronics the place to be for a nerd - oikea nörttikauppa
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
Simos pics from US 1
At least when visiting the Bay area in the United States, the Fry's
electronics is a place worth visit. There might be better shopping for
electronics somewhere but this is the original thing in the area.
Simon USA-kuvia 1
Etenkin piilaakson alueella Fry's electronics on nörtille hyvin
houkutteleva kauppa. Vaikka elektroniikkaostoksia voisi tehdä
paremminkin, tämä on "se" originaali tuolla alueella ;)
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Taking off
Taking off
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
Early in the morning Simo heads to the skies: Kuusamo-Helsinki-London-Chicago-Dallas..
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Sunny spell before the wedding
Sunny spell before the wedding
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
Ready to leave to the celebration of the wedding of Outi and Adrian. The sun came out behind the clouds just in time!
Friday, March 17, 2006
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Sunday stuff - Sunnuntaijuttuja
Silja and Iiris skating
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
On a bright wintry Sunday one fun thing to do is to go skating. Iiris, Piritta and Silja (my goddaughter) in picture.
Aurinkoisena sunnuntaipäivänä yksi mukava ajanviete on mennä luistelemaan. Kuvassa Iiris, Piritta ja (kummityttö)Silja.
Sun, a messenger of spring - Aurinko, kevään sanansaattaja
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
The sun has been shining quite nicely last couple of days. Despite the nights have been cold the weather has been very good and full of promise of spring.
Aurinko on paistanut päivisin aika kivasti viimepäivinä. Vaikka yöt ovat olleet kylmiä on ilmassa selvästi kevään tuntua.
Monday, March 06, 2006
Originally uploaded by shuopio.
Last weekend we were watching a band called "Eläkeläiset" ("The Retired"). They really did give quite a show with their tongue-in-cheek -cover versions of popular rock songs. To really enjoy the music you have to be at least equally wasted than the band members themselves.
Viime viikonloppuna kävimme katsomassa Eläkeläiset -bändin keikan Tavastialla. Esitys oli railakas, ja siitä täysin nauttiakseen olisi pitänyt varmaan juoda samaan tahtiin kuin bändi itse.. Ja itse musiikkihan oli tuttuja hittibiisejä sovitettuna humpaksi! 8)